Arctic Smartness strategy

Technologies as a source of renewal for sustainable production and services

TARGET: Increasing the competitiveness of companies by accelerating the introduction of advanced technologies

Lapin materiaalipankki | Pia Kuha

The digital revolution brings new technologies and large datasets as well as new services and business models to companies based on technology and data. Companies require new expertise in the application of technologies in addition to possibilities and competences in testing new types of solutions. It should be possible to utilise new technologies on a customer-oriented basis, which will demand technological competence, a culture of bold experimentation, and an elevation in the technological maturity level in companies. In the future, 5G, the Internet of things (IoT), robotics and artificial intelligence will connect with each other more and more strongly. Joining in this development requires RDI investments and stronger linkage from the various sectors to operators in the field of engineering.

Digital solutions enjoy a pivotal role as an accelerator of the green transition. By advancing production methods, it is possible to, e.g. optimise the demand of various raw materials as well as intensify operations by detaching resources from routine tasks and applying them to more demanding ones. To support the production and product development of companies, increasing the degree of automation and robotics is needed, with regard to which there are development environments and strong expertise in Lapland. The Arctic operational environment enables product development and testing activities based on new technologies.

Significant technologies enabling business development and growth, with regard to which Lapland enjoys expertise, are:

  • automation & robotics
  • artifical intelligence & data analytics
  • digital twins
  • virtual and added reality
  • 3D printing
  • IoT

In order to develop companies’ technological and digital capabilities, Lapland has expertise related to the utilisation of various simulations and gamebased learning environments, which can be used to promote the introduction of technologies.

Examples of application and development for technologies:

  • TOURISM: virtual experiences in tourismrelated marketing and eHospitality, service robots, platform economy solutions
  • WELLBEING: wellness services as adventure services (e.g. sports/fitness, services for seniors, remote care)
  • INDUSTRY: production, intensification of the use of processes and materials (industry 4.0.)
  • CONSTRUCTION: Remote surveillance (e.g. energy consumption, ventilation), smart systems in construction
  • Implementing demonstrations and pilots in the application of new technology in various fields, supporting enterprises in the deployment of technologies
  • Developing cybersecurity (and responsibility in the development of digital services)
  • Building collaboration in the region to facilitate the application of the circular economy among companies as well as research and education operators

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